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  • Natural Sheepskin Rug

    Soft long wool fibres with exceptional strength and durability.

    These rugs would provide a strong statement to any room, and have a beautiful luxurious feel. They are a bi-product from pastoral farming in New Zealand, where sheep are raised for meat.

    Length: 86cm
    Width at widest point: 55cm

    These rugs have been handpicked by us for their overall great appearance, they have some rear stitching on the reverse but this does not affect the overall look, quality, and depth of pile.

    These rugs are incredibly hard wearing, and are machine washable, therefore they can easily be used as a throw to a sofa, or to comfort up a hard wooden chair.

    Sheepskin Rugs | Natural Rugs |

    • Length: 86cm
      Width at widest point: 55cm


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